Colostrum is fondly known as "Mother's First Milk" because it is the very first nourishment that the newborn receives before the production of "milk". Colostrum is loaded with all the benefits necessary to sustain life and, furthermore, contains the all-essential Mother's antibodies that help protect the helpless newborn from the environment's assault. Without Mother's antibodies to protect the newborn from pathogens, the newborn would quickly succumb.
Colostrum Powder is an extremely concentrated powdered form of bovine colostrum and is the first choice in providing your pet with passive immunity (immunoglobulins IgA, IgM, IgG, lactoferrin) during times of stress, illness, and/or periods of recovery or for general immune function support.
Colostrum can provide a huge range of benefits for pets of all ages. Not only has it been known to help balance the immune system, but studies¹ have shown that colostrum helps in the support of soft tissue. It can be useful for helping to reduce allergic reactions in dogs because it contains proline-rich polypeptide, which helps soothe symptoms experienced during allergic reactions. It is thought to suppress the release of white blood cells and T-cells, which are responsible for the immune system’s response to allergens.
¹American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 72, No. 1, 5-14, July 2000 2000 American Society for Clinical Nutrition Raymond J Playford, Christopher E Macdonald and Wendy S Johnson